Poor Claudia published poetry, prose and conversations online and in print from 2009 to 2018.

Nature Machine

Tyler Brewington & Kelly Schirmann

Praise for Nature Machine

The great gift of these words is that they enter meaninglessness and emerge draped in motion. They stroke and pet our dirty dullness. They comb the hair of golden dreams. We are alive and try to escape our aliveness. Within this space of romantic apathy, we are "bored to the seed-core/ holding hands," mostly moving quickly and yet, "to erase I continue on." I want to be in this world that speaks the language of "a new animal/ cultivating a spectacular angst."

Emily Kendal Frey

Kelly Schirmann is a poet, musician, & visual artist from California. Her poems have appeared at Housefire, Illuminati Girl Gang, Poor Claudia, & elsewhere. She sings in the band Young Family, whose forthcoming EP King Cobra will be released by Spork Press in 2013. You can find her recordings, collaborations, & artwork at kellyschirmann.com.

Tyler Brewington is an MFA candidate in poetry at Vermont College of Fine Arts. His chapbook Dear Stray Volcano will be published by Alice Blue in fall 2013. He is from Boise, Idaho.